Stories at GOMA, FairyTales 2023, Photo: Cian Sanders
GOMA 2023 Photo: Cian Sanders
Post performance elation GOMA 2023
Jenni as MC at her event Stories in the Club
Bettina Nissen with Brisbane tellers, World Storytelling Day, 2023
Jenni Cargill-Strong tells the Mermaid’s Shoes
Jenni Story Board Regional Northern Rivers tour
Jenni telling stories at Islamic College, Brisbane
Jenni presenting ‘Fairytales for Challenging Times’ at Australian Fairytale Conference 2022
Jenni teaches Environmental Storytellling to landcare volunteers -Dorrobee-Grass
SCU students using a story map to instigate a story of place in Jenni’s tutorial
SCU Storylines students and story maps
Story Board tour ~ Busy writing in response to Jenni’s story provocations
Students and staff writing in Jenni’s workshop for StoryBoard in regional NSW
Participants sharing in Jenni’s ‘Fairytales for Challenging Times’ workshop at Australian Fairytale Conference 2022
Jenni talking story with Eliane Morel and Louise Phillips at the Australian Fairytale Society Conference 2022.
Jenni with Spike Dean and Eliane Morel at the Australian Fairytale Conference, 2021, Sydney.
Jenni tells the ancient French Red Riding Hood at the Australian Fairytale Conference, 2021, Sydney.
Jenni teaches at Woodford Folk Festival
Jenni-Cargill-Strong speaks Politics-in-Pub
JenniCargill-Strong tells Tamlin @Stories-in-the-club
Participants of Stories for a More Beautiful World
Byron Writers Festival Workshop Participants
Jenni’s workshop, Byron Writer’s Festival
Jenni’s workshop Telling in pairs Byron Writer’s Festival
Portrait by Lyn McCarthy Niche Pictures
Jenni and Jacquelina Renew Fest labyrinth Sacred Circles
Bruns labyrinth flowers Jenni at start
Renew Fest labyrinth photo Paul Daley
7 Circuit classical diamond labyrinth Brunswick Heads Torakina
Jenni’s stone labyrinth Brunswick Heads, made with Nature Sculpture Walk Director, Sam Moss Sacred Circle Labyrinths
Jenni Cargill-Strong MC at Stories in the Club
Stories-in-the Club-Storyteller-Curator-MC
Jenni-telling at her community story event Stories-in-the-Club
Athol Compton tells at Stories in the Club
Jenni-Cargill-Strong-telling The Most Beautiful Bird Stories-in-the-Club
Lynton Francois Burger accompanies Jenni-Cargill-Strong-Stories-in-the-Club
February ‘Stories in the Club: Drawn from Life’
Athol Compton gives Welcome Stories in the Club