This CD is currently only available as digital download here.
Tap into a deeper more ancient rhythm and revel in the realm of myth and metaphor and mysterious collection of original stories, ancestral tales and mysterious folk ballads.
In Chaucer’s medieval ‘The Wife of Bath’s Tale’ the question is posed ‘What is it that mortal women most desire?’ Will you agree with the answer? In ‘Mr Fox’, Mary’s golden ball and the dark Mr Fox who steals it can symbolise many things. Is he the devil or her inner critic? Will she outwit him? What will the ‘Luckless One’ discover when he goes to find the ‘Man at the End of the World Who Knows All Things’? Can you see yourself in him?
Weaving behind and between these stories and ballads are delicate medieval vocal harmonies and drones, renaissance recorders, medieval fiddle, medieval fiddle, lute, flute, lyre, concertina, harp and bells.
Most of the tracks on this album contain plots and themes specific to the adult journey. 60 minutes long.