by storytree | Aug 28, 2024 | Folk Tales, Japanese storytelling, Public Performances, Storytelling
When my colleagues and I told stories at GOMA’s Fairytales exhibit, we got another delightful invitation. Jenny Stubbs, the hard working organiser of the Story Arts Festival in nearby Ipswich, asked us to tell on Saturday, 17 August. Anne E Stewart, Sue Robin...
by storytree | Apr 28, 2024 | Fairy Tales, Feminism, Folk Tales, Japanese storytelling, Storytelling
Late last year and early this year, I had the great pleasure of performing at the Queensland Gallery Art Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) in Brisbane, along with several colleagues. It was Fairy Tale Heaven for me. I tend to prefer folk tales over fairytales generally,...
by storytree | Aug 16, 2014 | Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Japanese storytelling, Learning to tell stories, Public Performances, Resources, Storytelling, Uncategorized
After my colleague Jackie Kerin (Victoria) inspired me at the National Storytelling Conference to learn the Japanese art of kamishibai storytelling, I just ordered one! Here is a blogpost she wrote about her kamishibai journey. Learn about the art of kamishibai...