Late last year and early this year, I had the great pleasure of performing at the Queensland Gallery Art Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) in Brisbane, along with several colleagues. It was Fairy Tale Heaven for me. I tend to prefer folk tales over fairytales generally, but the atmosphere created in the gallery was very rich and made the perfect setting for us to tell in. I told several stories, including my story The Mermaid’s Shoes and another Kamishibai story, ‘The Magic Rice Paddle’, but the photos are of me telling ‘The Three Magic Paper Charms’, an extremely popular Japanese Kamishibai story. Kamishibai means ‘paper theatre’ and THAT is another story!
My Brisbane colleagues, Anne E Stewart, Alex McCallum, Bettina Nissen and Sue Robin told stories, as well as newcomers to storytelling, Sharon, Rose and June.
Big thanks to my friend and colleague Anne E Stewart for alerting QAGOMA to the band of active Brisbane storytellers and members of the Australian Fairy Tale Society, which got us the gig! Big thanks to QAGOMA for making it such a deep pleasure to tell within the spectacular Fairy Tales exhibit. The production staff were amazing and the sound system wonderful. Gratitude to professional photographer, Cian Sander for taking such great pics of me. (Capturing a live storyteller standing in front of a big sheet of reflective glass with limited spots to stand is a challenge, but they managed it beautifully.)