‘Ballina Tales’ is a new cosy community event, combining story, poetry, song and simple circle dances. Each month, host and professional storyteller, Jenni Cargill-Strong who moved to Ballina in 2019, gently shines a story-light on a local community group. “During Covid lockdowns and the floods, we rediscovered just how vital community is,” said Jenni. “Yet the isolation and trauma those events created, frayed some of those connections. Join us as we gather in the very sweet little Ballina CWA Hall by the river, to share stories, poems, songs, dance, tea and cake.”

This Sunday afternoon, October 23, our featured group will be the Ballina Environment Society. We will hear from Sarah King who said,

‘I find the continued inertia on real climate action terrifying, but people’s reaction to the floods reminds us of the power of grass roots organising.  As Secretary of Ballina Environment Society, I am optimistic that by connecting people across the Shire, we can protect our people and beautiful shire.’

We will also hear from local singers: Jane Elliott and Jairn Lavis, of ‘Circle of Two’ and local singer and ukulele player, Maureen Buckingham and there may be some poems. We take a break for afternoon tea (by gold donation) and finish with a simple, circle, peace dance lead by Gini Witt, with guitar accompaniment by Andrew Mignot. Dancing is of course completely optional, so please don’t stay away if you are shy of dancing!

WHAT: Stories, poetry, songs and simple circle dances.

WHEN: Sunday, October 23, 2022, 3.30 – 5.30pm

WHERE: Ballina CWA Hall, Captain Cook Park, 236 River St. The CWA hall is a little red brick building that sits beside the RSL by the river and behind the Cove restaurant on River St in Captain Cook Park.

HOW MUCH: Entry $10. Covers hall hire and insurance. Tea and refreshments available for sale by gold coin donation.

Please also see my Events Calendar.