Do you want to learn how to tell a story soulfully? In this 15 minute video introduction to my new Storytelling Foundations training, I explain

~ three benefits of oral storytelling

~ four essential elements of an oral story

~ how the myth of Indra’s Net can help you tell in a soulful way

Storytelling Foundations is a series of video trainings, with optional online participative Story Circles. Here I offer principles which apply to both personal stories, including Moth-like five minute slam tales and  traditional wonder tales.

The complete set of videos will become gradually available from November to December, 2022 here. Story Circle dates for next year. Subscribe below to my newsletter to be informed of the latest video release.



EDUC2021 – Storylines: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking (2023) Southern Cross University, Session 3. Available inline at at Gold Coast campus.

The three benefits I list are from the educational text ‘Storytelling Pedagogy in Australia and Asia’.  Like most academic text books, it is expensive.

Retention rates higher with storytelling:

The concept of Interbeing, as coined and explained by Thich Nath Hanh:

Storytelling Foundations