Winter Solstice 2022

The Phoenix emerges

The second winter solstice event event I was fortunate to attend was The Lismore Lantern Parade. (The first was a private fire event described here.) The theme this year, after the devastating catastrophic floods was ‘Healing our Hearts’.

Even though I was only mildly flood impacted, like many, I still felt the trauma vicariously: worrying for the communities and many people I now who have been gravely impacted. Many of us also became afraid of the rain. I am in the process developing a healing story for that ‘The Woman who was Afraid of the Rain’. My heart was already healing, but attending this generous event sure healed it more! I felt so blessed that my family came with me: my two grown kids and their Dad, my ex and now good friend, Max.

Rescuers carried boat lanterns

People who were rescuers in the flood were invited to carry a boat lantern. The man carrying this boat, with his partner Lorella Ricci, beloved local Aidan Ricketts,  was one of those many brave untrained rescuers who assisted the SES, saving many, many lives. The Finale was stunning! The images of the Lantern Parade are by Alex Clarke.

Lismore TAFE students videoed the whole thing, so you can watch it here. The Parade starts a few minutes in and the spectacular heartwarming Finale begins at 50 mins with Welcome to Country.

Director, Jyllie Jackson wrote about this years event: ‘The parade was a smaller, simpler event honouring the brave people who took to the raging flood waters and saved so many lives, thanking all the good people who have helped in the clean up and bring our community together to begin healing our broken hearts…

‘The Lantern Parade’s workshop was not spared, with the foul flood water entering the upper level where we had taken so much for safe keeping…Because The Lantern Parade lost so much of our stock of lanterns, tools, furniture and materials we would really appreciate assistance to put this year’s Lismore Lantern Parade. You can make a *Tax Deductible* donation to help us continue bringing light to the heart of Lismore into the future:’

The Pheonix Rises from our Healing Hearts





Big thanks to Lismore business owner, Alex Clarke for photos of the parade above. Click his name to see the full album on FB.