IMAGE CREDIT : Diver in Water ~ John Cahil Rom ~ Pexels
This video, ‘The Sea Sprite and the Kelp Gardens: Upwelling and Marine Permaculture’ is my attempt to use story to explain the natural phenomenon of Upwelling, which is key to understanding how Marine Permaculture works. By using a mythic character such as a Sea Sprite, I hope to evoke wonder, as well as reverence for the delicate web of life in the Sea and on Earth. I wrote it as a gift to the Climate Foundation and made this video clip on my laptop. I am a storyteller, not a filmmaker, but during pandemic restrictions, I began to tinker with adding images to my narration. Find the video here:
To understand the science behind Marine Permaculture, go to the succinct 2 min explanation by Damon Gameau in the film 2040 at the Climate Foundation website:
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I met Brian Von Herzen and his partner, Rebecca Truman of the Climate Foundation at the Woodford Folk Festival years ago. I was his MC at the GreenHouse venue and asked him if there was a story he needed. He said a key concept to communicate was Upwelling. It’s taken me years to figure out how to represent Upwelling, but with Rebecca’s help, I have gotten this far. My dream is that it will be the pilot for a more elaborate, funded work, employing myself and professional creatives in the realm of film.
I would love to read your constructive feedback about how to make this video succinct and clear, while retaining the wonder and the magic. What I believe our culture needs urgently, is to leap the chasm from the mindset of Separation*: the material realm of Cartesian logic, facts, numbers and entitlement, to the realm of Interbeing*: the sacred realm of divine interconnectedness and mystery, where we can experience deep humility, awe, reverence and collective responsibility and custodianship. Then we need to straddle both, each informing the other. That’s what I am attempting to evoke. It so thrills me to work in this interface: between science and wonder.
My sincere thanks to the musician, photographers and videographers who generously share their beautiful work online copyright free. If your image is included and I have not credited you correctly, please contact me. You’ll find the full list of credits in the You Tube description. As I said above, I wrote it as a gift to the Climate Foundation and made this video clip on my laptop. I am a storyteller, not a filmmaker, so my dream is that it will be the pilot for a more elaborate, funded work, employing myself and professional creatives in the realm of film.
I dedicate this story to the memory of my flamboyant, colourful, energetic, expansive friend HeeLing, who died while I was writing this. Like the Sea Sprite, she had a heart as big as the ocean, loved to stir things up and brought life wherever she went.
* Charles Eisenstein talks of our need to move from the Story of Separation to the Story of Interbeing in his essays, books and lectures. Zen Buddhist master, Thich Nath Hanh coined the term Interbeing to give us an English word for a concept that is expressed in many other languages.