To celebrate World Storytelling Day Sunday 20th March, I will tell water stories at the Tweed River Art Gallery in Murwillumbah. I will tell my story ‘Shelley and Rustle’ which was inspired by a similar real life story to the one below, from my new “Story Tree and other nature tales” CD. The kind people at Australian Seabird Rescue (who work a lot with turtles also) helped me with facts for the story also.
I will also tell a Japanese tale or two, in honour of the people who were in the path of the recent devastating tsunami. There is one half hour show at 1.30pm for families and we are experimenting with offering at 2.30pm a half hour of stories for older listeners, but if families turn up at 2.30 (quite possible) I’ll tell family tales. If you are a local, hope to see you there. If not Happy World Storytelling Day! Photo above and and words below by Dylan O’Donnell
“Releasing Sea Turtles, Byron Bay”
[PD] [Public Domain] Dylan O’Donnell 2008 A sea turtle is released Pictured here, a large adult sea turtle is lifted from it’s harness by volunteers to be released back into the sea from the main beach at Byron Bay. Australian Seabird Rescue released 5 sea turtles this morning, some which have been rehabilitated for over 7 months by the Ballina branch who are notable for their continued work with injured Pelicans. It was nice to see some of the community out to applaud their efforts and wish these turtles the best as they quickly swam away into the deep blue! (If you’d like to donate to Australian Seabird Rescue go to See more of Dylan’s images at: Visit to view the archives .