by storytree | Sep 17, 2014 | ESL, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Learning to tell stories, Public Performances, Storytelling, Uncategorized
Don’t you love it when you are put in a situation that streeeetches your experience and knowledge, so that you learn new things and develop new skills? This year, Book Week did just that for me! I had been enjoying rave reviews and responses… until I went...
by storytree | Aug 16, 2014 | Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Japanese storytelling, Learning to tell stories, Public Performances, Resources, Storytelling, Uncategorized
After my colleague Jackie Kerin (Victoria) inspired me at the National Storytelling Conference to learn the Japanese art of kamishibai storytelling, I just ordered one! Here is a blogpost she wrote about her kamishibai journey. Learn about the art of kamishibai...
by storytree | Jul 4, 2014 | Australian stories, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Learning to tell stories, Public Performances, Storytelling, Uncategorized
LEFT: Jenni telling ‘The Mulberry Tree’ during the Saturday night concert. RIGHT: Jenni with international tellers: Diane Ferlatte USA, Rona Mentari wearing yellow scarf (Indonesia) with puppet and friend, Evita Hofstetter (NSW) and Victoria Burnett (US)...
by storytree | Jun 2, 2014 | Learning to tell stories, Public Performances, Storytelling, Uncategorized
There are two exciting storytelling events happening in Australia this June long weekend in Sydney. Lucky me, as I am off to both, where I will catch up with lots of storytelling colleagues from far and wide, and this time some of my local story colleagues will also...
by storytree | Jan 18, 2013 | Learning to tell stories, Public Performances, Storytelling, Uncategorized, Water stories
Mostly when parents tell stories to their children, the children are enchanted, enthusiatic and appreciative! But not always! This blogpost is dedicated to any parents who are telling stories to their offspring and being met with disapproval. If this is you, here...